Sunday Night Supper: A Family Feast In Pictures

September 24, 2012 § 1 Comment

Last night, my fiance and I were treated to a lavish Sunday night supper at his parent’s home. Called out of the the blue and for no other reason than to catch up and watch some football, it’s easy to see how it’s the little moments and spontaneous get-togethers that knit a family. So after a glorious hike at Radnor Lake (if you haven’t been, you must. Like now. Stop reading. Get in your car) we headed over to be spoiled and stuffed.

Appetizer Spread


I wish I could capture the smell of these croissants baking

I’d die for anything with this much cheese

Lime juice over seared Sea Bass

Patiently waiting

Cilantro Mango Salsa

Oh they’re done. So buttery, so flaky!

They look so harmless now

If you can pull your tongue in and imagine this, they tasted even better than they look

Tell me this fish does not look Bon Appètit magazine-picture-perfect


Quite an upgrade from the square bamboo-esque plates seen in every other picture on this blog.

Le chef de cuisine

Why did there have to be mini pecan pies??


General is rewarded.







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